We are about to witness one of the most important health debates of the 21st century, and this is your invitation to be a part of it. People are truly passionate about their positions, and that, friends, is a HUGE part of the problem. When emotion interferes with facts, the truth gets lost in the shuffle.
Jan 26, 2018 07:22 pm
By Joe Wright Still unknown to much of the U.S. population is the fact that they reside within a “Constitution-Free Zone,” as it has been...
Jan 26, 2018 06:35 pm
By William D. Hartung As Donald Trump might put it, major weapons contractors like Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin cashed in “bigly” in his first...
Jan 26, 2018 06:19 pm
By Michael Maharrey A Indiana House committee unanimously passed a bill that would expand the state’s hemp law to prohibit state prosecution of people who sell...